How has your thinking about inclusion and PLN evolved?
I moved to Canada four years ago from a predominantly monoethnic country. As a result, I never thought much about diversity and inclusion. Moving to Canada suddenly opened my eyes to a different world where a diverse population is the distinctive feature of society. It was very heartwarming for me to see a lot of other immigrants, and it helped me to feel less excluded.
I learned that if you are very homogeneous to a group of people that you feel comfortable with, you might be missing more opportunities to diversify yourself and see the world from a different lens.

Inclusion allows having rich and diverse learning interactions among heterogeneous students. The reading from the book “Stories of Unity Through Diversity and Inclusion by Shelley Moore and Leyton Schnellert” helped me realize that my take on inclusion was to be included within a group of others, as appose to the fact that inclusion means that there are no others.

The interview with Shelly Moore, on PLN diversity, inclusion, and social media from the course Youtube channel, was really captivating.
“Create a network to allow you to be authentic and identify how you fit in your social media community.” I found it a practical tip to keep in mind and apply it in my daily presence on social media.
Social media engage communications and challenge communications with sarcasm or a funny post. It is inclusive in the core, as everyone has the same tool to participate. Nevertheless, a user might not feel welcome or accepted by a range of participants. My PLN does amplify the views of others that I find interesting. The benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing are that you get to see the concepts from other points of view, and it will give you a better insight.
Have you yet found your voice in your social media community?
Miller, J. [MILLER]. (2021, June 1). EDCI – 338 Markiel Simpson [Video]. Youtube.
June 15, 2022 — 12:22 am
Hi Mahi,
I resonate with the feeling of coming from somewhat of a monoethnic country to a place like Canada that invites and welcomes diversity. Lucky enough to be participating in different social media platforms that are welcoming and open to different points of view whilst still allowing me to be my truest self online! As I explore more about whom I follow and allow to follow I am slowly finding my voice in the social media community.
June 15, 2022 — 10:31 am
Hi Tania, It was amazing to hear that you can be your real self in the social media. It takes courage and I really respect you for that! Did you ever received any kind of cretinism on social media?
June 15, 2022 — 6:50 pm
Hi there! I really enjoy your literal use of inclusion where you say that how to score everyone has access to the same platforms, however, they may not feel welcome in certain areas of these platforms. You are totally right, and this is a unique perspective of inclusion!
You also had a very powerful statement where you said that inclusion means there is no others. I love this line, and it is very impactful!
I wondered what your suggestions might be to create an inclusive and diverse PLN on social media? I see that you are PLN amplifies the views of others which you find interesting. How do you share these views, and how do you choose which ones you find interesting?
June 15, 2022 — 11:35 pm
Hi Ariehl, thank you! I really enjoy sarcasm and I believe that a funny meme can go a long way! What contents you choose to re-post?
June 15, 2022 — 8:34 pm
Hi Mahi!
Thank you for sharing your experience. I think it’s interesting how you mention that your PLN amplifies other voices—I have never thought about it this way, but it does! I repost my friends stories who are posting their work (as I am writing students and many of my friends are also creators) or an event they are working, etc amplifying their voice. This was a great way to word it, and I didn’t really realize that was what I was doing. How have you amplified peoples voices in your PLN?
June 15, 2022 — 11:40 am
Hi Sarah! I do re-post the ones that I find interesting specially the funny ones! I try to be supportive of small business and I try to re-post their events or coupons! Have you ever supported something on social media and then regretted your choice?
June 15, 2022 — 8:34 pm
Hi Mahi!!
Thank you for sharing your experience. I think it’s interesting how you mention that your PLN amplifies other voices—I have never thought about it this way, but it does! I repost my friends stories who are posting their work (as I am writing students and many of my friends are also creators) or an event they are working, etc amplifying their voice. This was a great way to word it, and I didn’t really realize that was what I was doing. How have you amplified peoples voices in your PLN?
June 15, 2022 — 11:53 pm
Hi Sarah! I do re-post the ones that I find interesting specially the funny ones! I try to be supportive of small business and I try to re-post their events or coupons! Have you ever supported something on social media and then regretted your choice?
June 16, 2022 — 6:35 pm
Hi! Thank you for sharing. I have not yet found my voice in a social media community. Hoping to soon : )
June 16, 2022 — 8:54 pm
Hi Chelsey, thank you for the comment, do you think that the reason is you some how did not find a safe space so do so?
June 17, 2022 — 12:59 pm
Hello Mahi,
It’s good to see that you have developed a sense of place in Canada! My home country is also predominantly monoethnic, which caused me to be “scared” to talk to people of other nationalities when I first came to Canada, I know how you feel! I like your takeaways from Shelly Moore’s reading, being mindful of our daily presence on social media might be the bedrock of developing digital identity. In answering your question, I have found my voice in my social media community because I regard myself as a feminist (although a “bad” one). I like to engage in feminist talking, even if the discussion turns into an argument. I consider my role in that community is a “sponge”. I welcome differing views so that I can process them and develop my original thinking.
June 17, 2022 — 8:59 pm
Hi Shiyu, thank you! I have a question for you, have you ever had a conversation that you could not find a single thing in their view to agree on?