Explore the video provided and reflect on the themes of a PLN in a professional capacity.
In Brad Bakers’ video, an active contributor to his PLN and the online community, he stands for positivity, not being racist, and encourages others to follow him. After watching this video, I got encouraged to engage more in this kind of social issue in my PLN. Though, it made me wonder, what if everyone starts to post positive stuff on their PLN and social media? what do you think would happen?

Which social media platforms are beneficial in education?
Depending on the audience, for internal academic platform, such as Brightspace and Coursespace which UVIC use to have for student to submit and get instructions from the instructors. This kind of internal academic platform is practical, direct, and easy to use. The newer platform we use, Brightspace will also allow us to make groups and have live chats on the platform.
External academic platforms, such as Chegg, Coursehero, etc. This kind of platforms are banned by some institutions, though, if we use it the right way, I believe it is a great place to share and learn. Student may find various ways of solution for a question. It may enhance our intelligence by using these platforms. Last but not the least, the social media platforms such as Twitter, Quora, YouTube, etc. I believe there are some academic sources in them, but it is not 100% reliable. Since it is an open platform, anyone can post stuff on it, and even may include personal thoughts by posting on them. Although, these open platforms always have many people engage on them, therefore the benefit on them is that we may find answers which can not be find on the academic sources.
When working with the vulnerable sector, how does social media fit into professionalism and regulations?
When we are working under a vulnerable sector, everyone in this sector should be equal and respectful. To keep it safe, there should not be any unwanted external thought or source import to the sector. Setting strict regulations and penalties will also help keeping the sector safe. Adding a live inspector on a platform will also keeps the environment professional and protective.
Miller, J., & Baker, B. (2021, June 10). Brad Baker Edci 338. YouTube. Retrieved Jun 10, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5z8iHxW2n4.
Veletsianos, G., & Couros, A. (2010;2014;). Developing Personal Learning Networks for Open and Social Learning / Alec Couros- Chapter 8
June 19, 2022 — 11:06 am
Hi, Mahi. Great post and views! As you said, these sites aren’t 100% reliable and everyone can edit their thoughts on these sites. Do you think these uncertainties may cause some problems for students (e.g. not being able to confirm exactly which resources or answers are credible or accurate)? How do we determine and avoid these?
June 19, 2022 — 1:07 pm
Hi Isabella. yes, good point! I think it might and they should be cautious about it. Media literacy means not to believe every thing and do a fact check first. Student should choose the websites base on their instructor recommendation and fact check with them. Or use not just one resource! do you agree?
June 19, 2022 — 2:18 pm
I agree with your opinion about social media, especially in the last paragraph. Social media is the most important way for many vulnerable groups to obtain information. Social media can help them provide some resources and information and help them learn more skills, so social media must be regulated to keep its fairness. Your definition of some software is also good, such as Brightspace and Coursespsce. But I have a question about the content of your second paragraph, which software do you think is the most meets the theme of an academic platform? Overall, your article is well written, such as the advantages and disadvantages of Chegg, and the academic authenticity of social media like Youtube. I look forward to your next blog.
June 19, 2022 — 11:21 pm
Hi, Yea I think Brightpace is working fine, I used to have Connex actually better in some ways! which software do you think is the most meets the theme of an academic platform?
June 19, 2022 — 8:34 pm
Hi there, I love reading your post, and I think you have a very dependent thoughts on the questions. You mention that Chegg is a good resources on learning, I agree with that. I think Chegg has both advantages and disadvantages on learning approaches. People prefer to cheat on their assessment via Chegg because they are lack of academic integrity. Chegg’s answer are not usually correct in some case, because the answer is posted from other students. so, Chegg is a good place to share your ideas, work, and thought, because it is a learning platform for student to improve their learning goals.
June 20, 2022 — 12:23 am
Yes, right? They are not even correct! It might give you some ideas, sometimes better than nothing. Any bad experience with it?